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The Daily Required

Nov 7, 2019

In this episode, I walk with Tim Ritter, Croft State Park Manager. We talk about all the things that make Croft State Park unique, from the recreational activities to the cultural and natural resources the park protects. 

Links to things we talked about:

Croft State Park official site hiking trails

Oct 2, 2019

In this episode we watch a Carolina Miracle League baseball game. We also talk with Pam Dean, Executive Director of the Carolina Miracle League, as well as players, coaches and parents who participate. But mostly we saw a great ball game. 

Find out more about the Carolina Miracle League by clicking

Sep 16, 2019

In this episode we talk with some friends and some strangers about their memories of learning to ride a bike. It's remarkable how many people have that formative memory, and details like bike color, age, place and others involved come right back. 

Aug 13, 2019

In this episode we tour the Bike Park, Spartanburg's newest recreational facility. Located on the Mary Black Foundation Rail Trail, the Bike Yard will feature a number of fun and dynamic elements to inspire cyclists of all ages and abilities. We walk the emerging flow tracks, rideable berms and innovative...

Jul 31, 2019

In this episode, we talk with Tonja Smith, Executive Director of Ruth's Gleanings, a non-profit focused on reducing food waste by gleaning healthy, nutritious food that would normally be thrown away and distributing it to shelters and other facilities. Ruth's Gleanings also operates Foodshare Spartanburg, a program...